Baby Bottle Bed

Just like humans, animals also go through pregnancy and delivery. Plus, it is common for humans to encounter pregnancy complications, and so do animals. Some common pregnancy concerns in pets include pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, mastitis, retained placenta, etc. Some of these complications can extend to the post-delivery phase, making the animal unable to take care of her babies.

Your mother cat’s milk supply may not be adequate, an illness may make her uncomfortable, the kittens may be sick, or the litter of kittens may be large. Whatever the reason the mother cat cannot nurse her kittens, you must resort to taking over the duty yourself. However, it can be hard on you to feed multiple animals, consuming more of your time.

Luckily, inventor Rosalind P. Steed of Canada knew there had to be a better way to handle this issue. So, she developed the Baby Bottle Bed, a bottle-feeding device for feeding many baby animals quickly.

Keep reading to learn more about this invention.

What is Baby Bottle Bed?

So, what is Baby Bottle Bed? This Rosalind’s invention is a hands-free bottle-feeding tool that is helpful when feeding more than one baby animal simultaneously. Rosalind’s dog once delivered puppies, but unfortunately, the responsibility of providing for the mother dog’s babies fell to her. That’s because the mother dog was in a lot of pain.

Two and a half weeks later and Rosalind was getting exhausted. The feeding chore was becoming huge, and she needed to come up with a lasting solution. You can imagine bottle feeding many baby animals using one bottle. It was hard on her and often led to many sleepless nights. Those experiences inspired Rosalind to develop the Baby Bottle Bed.

Features and Benefits

The Baby Bottle Bed, a pet bed invention, features numerous bottle holes around its circumference. When it’s feeding time, you just need to fill the bottles with milk before slipping them into the bottle rings. Each bottle ring has a hook-and-loop fastener designed to hold every bottle securely.

By this time, the Baby Bottle Bed is ready to hold and feed a litter of baby animals simultaneously and hands-free. The invention is available in multiple colors and styles. The Baby Bottle Bed invention is also fully engineered and with a prototype.